Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Meeting with Palash and Dipti
-Target audience: Why elementary school? At that age the student’s mind is still developing, the learning tools they will need are to aid that. At a middle school level, children adapt easier to alternative methods, and are more capable of playing and exploring educational concepts.
-Approach: Mathematics through storytelling, with storytelling at the forefront? Or playing with mathematics and understanding numbers through storytelling, with mathematics at the forefront?
-The language of Mathematics
-History of Mathematics education- Why was the abacus used? Other tactile methods and the purpose they serve-Vedic mathematics.
-Locate yourself and your project in a wider body of work. Find what is lacking in what has been done already, what you can contribute to that, and then work with the possibilities.
-An art installation that demonstrates a mathematical concept?

Look at:
-Exploratorium (San Francisco): The museum of science, art and human perception
-Scratch: A platform to create and share your own interactive stories, music, games and art
-PicoCricket: An interactive platform where you can create playful inventions
-Geometer’s Sketchpad: A dynamic construction, demonstration, and exploration tool that adds a powerful dimension to the study of mathematics. Students can use this software program to build and investigate mathematical models, objects, figures, diagrams, and graphs.
-Museum exhibits

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